Jan 2, 2007

Climb information

Machame Route, Mount Kilimanjaro (19,341 ft.) can be climbed at any time of the year, though the best weather prevails during the dry seasons, July through October and January through February. The Machame route is considered by many to be the most beautiful and scenic. The actual climb requires a minimum of six days, during which you hike about 60 miles. Accommodations are in private campsites along the way. Final ascent to the rim begins in the pre-dawn hours, (a full moon ascent is recommended) and most climbers reach Stellas point at sunrise. From Stellas point there is a 2-hour ascent to Uhuru Peak, the highest point in Africa. This is a highly challenging, spectacular and rewarding hike to the Roof of Africa! We will unwind from the climb, enjoying a short safari of the "big five" in East Africa's premier game parks. (information from Adventure Associates website www.adventureassociates.net).

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hi Vik,
This sounds fantastic, you lucky woman! When you get to the summit, take your pictures then take some time to look around and marvel at the smallness of we humans on planet earth. Ask the universe to provide abundance to your friend, Beth (the higher the mountain, the closer to God!).
Love you much,