Feb 14, 2007

HalfWay Home

Well, we survived the first leg of the grueling flights. Now it's a lay over in Amsterdam for 5 more hours. Then we have another 10 hour flight. I'm anxious to get back home and connect with my family and friends. A lot of amazing things occured and I look forward to sharing them with you. I have lots of pictures and videos of the animals and the climb. It seems so long ago that we climbed the mountain.
Mom, tell Dad that I did not see Ben's orphanage. I checked out all the signs along the way and did not see it. I will email you some of the photos but definately will plan a trip home soon to share all of the photos and video.
To my work gang, I miss you too!!! I can't wait to share with you the experiences I had and I can't wait to catch up with you all! I will be back in the office on Wednesday because I have training on Tuesday in Portland.
Gayle, I got some amazing shots of Zebras that I think you will like. We'll have you over ASAP to check them out.
Les, i can't wait to see you!!!!! That will be soon!!!
And, again, to the rest of you that have been a support and showed interest in this adventure, I thank you and will share the experience with you when I return.
Until I am back in the States..........

1 comment:

Linda said...

Welcome Home! MoM